[ http://www.turbobygarrett.com/turbobygarrett/tech_center/gt_basics.html ] "S" = used for units which require some differentiation from units in the same family Compare a GT2860R to a GT2860RS. While both are ball bearing and externally similar, the GT2860RS is better suited for higher-flow applications than the GT2860R. In this case, the S reflects the higher-flowing nature of the GT2860RS

Petz #2 "What's the point of having the car if you don't drive it?" - Mrs. Guapo 08/20/05Jeeeesus Christ - my Dad (after a ride in my Z) 12/26/04 People have the right to freedom of expression. However, people also have the right to point and laugh- aliaZ 04/06/06 |